Thursday, December 2, 2010


Hypertext is something that can be a very confusing task and can be mind boggling at some points throughout stories, but it definitely beats having to just sit and look at a book that goes one way. Having electronic hypertext in your reading makes it so much more enjoyable allowing you to explore stories in different ways on your own just like that of a game. It takes you to random places that are sewn together, with each click to a  different piece of fabric to pull together to make a story. In this case of Patchwork girl and hypertext links from a drawing or a list of parts and pieces a variety of roots through the work. Patchwork Girl’s story is a piece in which you have to do a lot of backtracking  and finding out the connections of the story. You have to find where it goes next and think of themes and ideas that constantly come up. The hypertext gives you many different choices that you can click on making there be a web of possibilities , making it a different story each and every time that you click a new hyperlink, where the reader has the influence on the way the story is told. The idea of hyperlink is that you are able to interpret different parts into a whole.
It is important to know Shelley Jackson’s five main sections of hypertext, before I move on. “The first one would be the body of text where you are able to find the monster’s narration and certain theoretical speculations about hyper textual and human bodies. The second section being a theme in the story which is the graveyard. This section contained the stories of the different donors which was told by the monster. In the grave yard you were able to click on different organs  and you are able to see a bibliography of the donors.Here is a screen shot on where you would come upon in the graveyard where you would start off by picking the first organ, like a puzzle.

 When you see the inscription of the headstone it reveals the nature of the contents an example being in this screen shot

 The third section would be the journal that Mary Shelley recorded her relationship with her creature in. The fourth main section is the story itself where Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein is interacting with the female monster’s modern adventure. And last but not least the crazy quilt, which is made up of two parts in which the same content is repeated. One difference of the quilt is being that is the second part the quotes used are not documented or presented with different typographies as they are in the first part. In other hands the lexias are presented with different colors in order to evoke the idea of that “crazy quilt” which is the governing metaphor.” (Gathering The Limbs  Of The Text In Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl). This is a screenshot of an example of the quilt and how it has two parts to it.

In this case Patchwork girl takes different body parts from different people, that have a totally different story to them, from all different kinds of people and then are sewn together to make this “monster” as a companion for that of Shelly. Through the story the “monster” had to be able to identify on it’s own it’s own identity and what she was really set out to do. Seeings that patchwork girl’s body is made up of random parts of different people. Making her a metaphor of a quilt that is sewn together with a bunch of unrelated parts, making the curiosity inside of the cabinet of who she really is and who she wants to be.
While Patchwork girl struggles through creating her own identity to fInding a way to fit in, she wants to find a coherent single past. Therefore, she ends up finding a photo album,looks at it and decides she is going to borrow someone else’s past. She ends up going to America to try and establish her new identity there, starting at the East and ending in the West coast. While in Frankenstein  he was taught through the means of education, and was able to learn things by someone, instead of having to do it all on his own.
Patchwork girl talks about what she is going through and adds depth to it throughout the story and what she goes through. One example being throughout the story and talking about feminism and how Patchwork girl feels like she is being pushed by society, because of the way that she looks and is sewn together. She was such a big girl that she couldn’t control her body to be the feminine ideal women, because she wasn’t just made of female parts, but male parts as well. The feminist perspective chooses to exaggerate to make a point about how squeamish we are to talk about certain things, such as the way they put some things in the reading. They have many hyperbole and exaggerated  to explode taboos about the bodies of the people and the genatalics throughout this story. She likes the masculine and stronger parts of her body, making her have the male side of her.
Another part that caught my eye that added depth throughout the story was the whole point of even bringing patchwork girl to life. The main illusion of this story revolved round Frankenstein. Bringing the point up of the unusual by-line of the piece. This screen shot is an example of the by-line. 

Mary, being the creator of Frankenstein, Shelley, being the writer of Patchwork girl, and Herself being Patchwork girl, in Patchwork girl. They all go together in some way and relate to one another revolving around the story.  Mary Shelley and patchwork girl having a very close relationship, as if they were seeing one another, as a companion. This screen shot show's an example of how they were to one another.

 Just like that of Mary Shelley did, she wanted a companion as well, going off of the Frankenstein story, the author put it into different context. This screen shot is just something to prove how the two are similar by having to be put together.

 But the same kind of topic, wanting to have a "Monster" come alive for themselves, as a companion they could be with, because they couldn’t find anyone else and making these “monsters” on their own and thought it could lead them to someone or something who is exactly what they are looking for in every way possible. 
One other hypertext literature that we read was by a person named Wunderkammer called  My Body-

This story takes different parts of the body, where all the body parts have a different story to them. My body uses the HTML hypertext form to revitalize the memoir genre and makes you explore the body. You are able to pick a hypertext on the page and click it, it tells a little story and then you constantly have more and more hyperlinks to pick from, making your own story by what hyperlink you click. However, in some cases on some of the pages it only has one hyperlink to choose from, this screen shot shows, how you can only have one hypertext on a page sometimes.
 The hyperlink that they have on the page is something relates to the story they are talking about on the page. I also noticed that the hyperlink colors were different on some of the pages, some being blue and some being red, and other other pages when the backgrounds are a different color the hypertext, but even be a different color. This screen shot shows the two different colors.
 I also noticed that some of the hypertexts go back to pages that you have already been at before, making you possibly get stuck and have to think and backtrack to find the connections of the story. I also noticed when clicking a hyperlink and then going back it would change the color of it, so I would know i had already went there. Here is an example of what happens when you click a hyperlink and backtrack it

 “As the reader selects images of what looks like woodcut images of parts of the authors body, meditations and anecdotes associated with each of the body parts are revealed.” 
Overall, hypertext really gets you through reading in a fun way, instead of just having to sit there, read a book, and flip through page after page. Hypertext is absolutely a great way of having to read, making it kind of like a game as you have to backtrack, and find connections to the story, so you can understand it a little better. This makes it fun for that of students who like doing puzzles and mind games, because it can involve a lot of thinking.


Shelly, Mary. "Patchwork Girl." Web.

Gathering the Limbs of the Text in Shelly Jackson-
"Patchwork Girl Jackson Download | .:: ::. | Manual Owners." Fitri PDF - Free PDF Portable Document Format Files. Web. 02 Dec. 2010. <>.
My Body-  A Wunderkammer